
This website serves as basic information sources for the services offered by omNord - Building Executive Bridges.

As the website is currently under construction, some information might be currently wrong or missplaced.
However, we are certain that you can distinguish between relevant information and information that needs editing or replacement.

As this is a multinational website, it is practically impossible to fulfill all national laws to 100 percent.
We assure you that we will do our best to protect our customers and their data.

All rights regarding the contents of this website are reserved. This includes the right to copy and distribute.

The management consulting operation is already registered in Germany as freelance work (german: Freiberufler)
In Sweden, the registration is under currently under work.

DEUTSCH / GERMAN: Alle Rechte und Verfuegungsbefugnisse sind vorbehalten. Dies beinhaltet alle Kopie- und Weitergaberechte.

For Germany: Verantwortlicher für journalistisch-redaktionelle Inhalte gem. § 55 II RstV, § 18 Abs. 2 MStV oder ähnliche: Klaus Juergen Wiemers

Wir speichern die von Ihnen uns mitgeteilten Informationen zur Kontaktaufnahme sowie zur Bearbeitung Ihrer Aufträge. Wir geben diese Daten nicht ohne Ihr Einverständnis an Dritte weiter.

Plattform der EU-Kommission zur Online-Streitbeilegung:

We can not exclude that some software, fonts or others will use cookies or other tracking tools. We try not to have them on our website, but need to inform you that this might happen. We do not actively use such cookies. We will not use such information for obtaining and storing information about the visitors of our website.