Innovation Guidance

We inform and guide you through the upcoming disruptive changes and innovations

Provision of information and presentations on topics with primary innovation content. Strong focus on Swedish front running initiatives regarding decarbonization, digitalization and automation. This includes advice on how to prepare and handle disruptive changes in regards of technology and business models, especially in the transport business.

Guidance and information about upcoming disruptive changes and innovations

Many disruptive changes for automobility, transport, energy and business models have their origin in the Nordics. We help you understand the sustainability approach and new developments that will most likely affect your company's future.

We support you with information on how to adapt your product portfolio in order to stay successful.

Example: Do you know that politics and industry in Sweden have jointly decided to achieve carbon neutrality already in 2045? By 2030, the fossile-based CO2 emissions of the transport sector are to be reduced bu 70 %. This means that the solutions implemented in Sweden will very likely become a blueprint for other countries as well.